West Springfield High School
Orchestra Boosters
WSHS Orchestra Boosters is a non-profit organization formed to promote and support the Spartan Orchestra program. We are orchestra parents and students who use our talents in a variety of activities including helping students work to offset their costs for program fees and events and helping the orchestra director run a successful program.
2024-25 Parent Orchestra Board
Becky Wheeler – President
Sharon Gandy & Niyatee Kher – Vice President/Fundraising
Aubrey Horner - Treasurer
Johanna Tschebull & Russell Jones - Secretary
Susan Schwitz- Hospitality
Minutes of the WSHS Orchestra booster meetings are available on request. Requests for meeting minutes should be sent via email to the booster club Secretary, orchestra.wshs@gmail.com. You can download the WSHS Orchestra Boosters Bylaws by following this LINK.
We are an organization run by wonderful parent volunteers. Like our orchestra, everyone has something to contribute and the boosters exists to take the best advantage of that. A volunteer can put in as much or as little time into helping the boosters as their time permits.
There will be opportunities to sign-up to help:
Tag Days volunteers
Data Entry
Trip organizer
Concert Receptions
End of Year Banquet
Holiday socials
CONTACT US at orchestra.wshs@gmail.com to volunteer your time or to ask any questions.
FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @ spartanorchestra