Become a Booster Patron
Your donation will help support our choir program in the following ways:
Pay for professional accompanists and instrumentalists
Provide travel Scholarships to students
Provide resources for student performances, recordings, and district events.
Offsetting the cost of instrument and material maintenance and upkeep.
Legato- $25
Your name will be listed as a Legato Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.
Forte- $50
Your name will be listed as a Forte Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.
Allegro- $100
Your name (or business card or 1/4 page ad) will be listed as an Allegro Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.
Virtuoso- $250
Your name (or business card or 1/2 page ad) will be listed as a Virtuoso Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.
Maestro- $500
Your name (or business card or 3/4 page ad) will be listed as a Maestro Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.
Stradivarius- $1,000
Your name (or business card or full page ad) will be listed as a Stradivarius Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.