
Become a Booster Patron

Your donation will help support our choir program in the following ways:

Legato- $25

Your name will be listed as a Legato Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.

Forte- $50

Your name will be listed as a Forte Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.

Allegro- $100

Your name (or business card or 1/4 page ad) will be listed as an Allegro Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.

Virtuoso- $250

Your name (or business card or 1/2 page ad) will be listed as a Virtuoso Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.

Maestro- $500

Your name (or business card or 3/4 page ad) will be listed as a Maestro Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs. 

Stradivarius- $1,000

Your name (or business card or full page ad) will be listed as a Stradivarius Patron on our website and in the current year orchestra concert programs.